Northrend Corridor v8.0 Strategy guide (2020-04-18)
Warcraft III Map built with Reforged 1.32+
PDF versions of the strategy guide can be downloaded into the download section
Table of contents
Note : All descriptions used in the guide were made using the light forces,
but they are also valid with dark forces, the buildings are not the same but their functions are identical.
I. Game creation
a. Choose your team
You can play either in single or multiplayer mode, the number of players can be odd, in this case you can add computer players in order to balance the game (see section I.b).
First, you have to choose between either the dark forces or the light forces. Although there are no major differences between the two teams, each has its own heroes, 36 on each side. A minor differences distinguishe each team, the castle of light has superior armor, while the dark citadel can attack like a tower. Also, the hero who can defend the fortress is Uther on the light side, and Dalvengyr on the dark side (see section VII.a).
The choice of the race (Orcs, Humans, Night Elves or Undead) doesn't change anything, except the design of the game interface and the music played.
b. Add computer players
In order to balance the game, for example if the number of players is odd, if you are playing solo, or if you just want to increase the difficulty of the game, you can add computer players to the game (AI players). Be aware that the more AI you add to a team, the more additional units you will get. Also, if you choose an insane computer, additional units will be greater than with an easy computer.
Insane computer also adds many other difficulties, such as, for example, adding defense towers, or additional siege machines. Don't hesitate to try different combinations by adding computers, for example 1 insane and 1 easy, or 2 normal. The principle of unit support is a principle of outbidding.
At the beginning of the game, a red message will be displayed if computer players have been added: Light IA reinforcement updated with 7-7-7 and level 6. It means that 7 additionnal light units of level 6 (maximum is 11) will be created in the north, middle and south corridors during each waves.
You can also differentiate the original units from additional ones since they have a different colour and a different name. Moreover, additional units are creature type, which makes it easy to differentiate them.
c. Loading performance
When using a good computer, such as an Intel© Core™ i7-7700K CPU 4.2 GHz x 4 with 16 Go RAM, Samsung SSD 850 PRO 256GB (EXM01B6Q) hard drive and GeForce GTX 1070 Ti graphics card, the map takes around 20 seconds to be loaded.
II. Choose the game mode
When the game starts, a dialog window asks all players to choose between 2 possible modes to choose their hero. The classic mode is the most used: each player has the possibility to choose his own hero. The random mode, on the other hand, randomly sets the heroes for all the players, who have one chance out of two to be a hero of darkness or light, this mode is generally used in tournament mode.
The mode selected will be the one chosen by the majority of the players, if both modes have the same number of vote, the random mode will be chosen.
Note: Just after having chosen the mode, it is normal that your wisp is
waiting in the cell, the doors only open when all the players have made their choice if the classic mode is chosen, otherwise the heroes
are randomly chosen and the game immediately starts).
III. Choose the Hero
a. Introduction
At first glance, it's difficult to choose your hero among all those that are proposed, the information you can get on the runes is very useful in the choice of your hero, look at them carefully. Yellow runes indicate a Warrior class, blue ones a Wizard class, and green ones a Support class.
When displaying the hero's description, the main attribute of the hero (e.g. agility) is indicated in yellow. You can then see all the hero's abilities, his ultimate spell is indicated in orange. The blue spell is a minor ability of the hero, it is generally a small secondary skill which you will not be able to develop like the others. The green spell has 6 levels of improvement, normal spells have 4 levels of improvement and the ultimate spell has 2.
Among the minor abilities, some can be very useful in a team strategy, such as flight, ultravision, shadowmeld, or amphibious ability, but be aware that heroes with flight are generally less powerful.
Don't hesitate to click on the hero to get more information such as his damage, his armour, or the special item he has at the beginning of the game;
indeed, each hero has a Potion of greater healing, an Ankh of reincarnation and a special summon item.
Heroes can reach level 20, so you can develop many abilities.
Another option available to you is to choose a random hero, by choosing the question mark, who has a 50/50 chance of being either light or dark. This may appeal to those who prefer surprise.
In order to visualize the number of remaining heroes to be chosen, a small window is displayed on the top right of the screen indicating in which camp there are still unchosen heroes.
Here, all the heroes of the dark side have been chosen. Only one hero left to choose from the side of light.
Note: There is no need to hurry up to choose your hero, the assaults only start when
all the heroes have been chosen. It is thus normal that after having chosen your hero, you wait the time that the other players choose their heroes so
that the assaults begin. You can take advantage of this little time to look at the random items sold on the black market.
b. Light heroes description
‣ Gryphon Rider [Wizard]
‣ Shandris Feathermoon, Elite archer [Support]
‣ Tinker [Warrior]
‣ Satyr Hellcaller [Warrior - Wizard]
‣ Malfurion, Keeper of the Grove [Support]
‣ Blood Mage [Wizard]
‣ Life Magician [Wizard]
‣ Dark Priest [Wizard]
‣ Jaina, Time Guardian [Wizard]
‣ Assassin [Warrior]
‣ Sorcerer of Mist [Wizard]
‣ Warden [Warrior]
‣ Dragonhawk Rider [Support]
‣ Sylvanas Windrunner, Ranger [Support]
‣ Keeper of the Grove [Support]
‣ Priest of the Moon [Support]
‣ Antonidas, Ethereal Magician [Wizard]
‣ Shaman [Wizard]
‣ Thrall, Far Seer [Wizard]
‣ Illidan, Demon Hunter [Wizard]
‣ Beastmaster [Warrior]
‣ Spell Breaker [Warrior]
‣ Paladin [Warrior - Support]
‣ Mountain Giant [Warrior]
‣ Akama, Elder Sage [Warrior - Wizard]
‣ Mountain King [Warrior]
‣ Centaur Warrior [Warrior]
‣ Admiral Proudmoore [Warrior]
‣ Arthas, Knight [Warrior]
‣ Pandaren [Warrior]
‣ Lord Garithos, Dark Knight [Warrior]
‣ Blademaster of the Blackrock Clan [Warrior]
‣ Berserk Wildkin [Warrior]
‣ Blood Elf Lieutenant [Warrior - Support]
‣ Ice Yeti [Warrior - Wizard]
‣ Metal Golem [Warrior]
c. Dark heroes description
‣ Zombie Lord [Warrior - Wizard]
‣ Ethereal Shadow [Wizard]
‣ Far Seer [Wizard]
‣ Ice Revenant [Wizard]
‣ Priest of Hate [Wizard]
‣ Shadow Hunter [Support]
‣ Archimonde, Hell King [Wizard]
‣ Necromancer [Wizard]
‣ Dark Ranger [Support]
‣ Skeletal Mage [Wizard]
‣ Kil'Jaeden, Warlock [Warrior - Wizzard]
‣ Lich [Support]
‣ Warlock stormreaver [Wizard]
‣ Troll Lord [Support]
‣ Specter [Wizard]
‣ Major Demon [Support]
‣ Kodo Master [Support]
‣ Alchemist [Warrior]
‣ Firelord [Wizard]
‣ Magnataur Destroyer [Warrior - Wizard]
‣ Ogre Magi Lord [Warrior]
‣ Spirit Wyvern [Support]
‣ Grommash Hellscream, Chaos Blademaster [Warrior]
‣ Sea Elemental [Wizard]
‣ Crypt Lord [Warrior]
‣ Doom Guard [Warrior]
‣ Sea Witch [Warrior]
‣ Harpy Queen [Support]
‣ Death Knight [Warrior]
‣ Faceless One Deathbringer [Warrior]
‣ Dreadlord [Warrior]
‣ Queen of Suffering [Warrior]
‣ Tauren Chieftain [Warrior]
‣ Pit Lord [Warrior - Wizard]
‣ Blademaster [Warrior]
‣ Balnazzar, Vampiric Lord [Warrior]
IV. Quests
By pressing F9 or looking at the quests menu at the beginning of the game, you can read your first objective, which is to choose your hero.
You can also get some information about tips and credits.
Once you have chosen your hero, the main quest is updated and indicates that you have to destroy the enemy castle to win the game.
V. Advantage Leaderboard
The "Advantage Leaderboard", at the top right of the screen, is an indicator of the progress of each side, Light and Dark.
It is out of 200, and at the beginning of the game, each side has 100, i.e. the balance of the game is fair for both sides.
The values usually don't change much during the first 20 minutes of the game, but can change quite quickly according to the evolution of each hero and each side.
So, for example, an advantage of 155 for the Light side means a strong advance on that side, on the way to victory, while 45 points for the Dark side means a weakness.
When the counter reaches 200 for one side, and 0 for the other, the game is over.
The value is computed following the number of buildings which have been destroyed, such as Towers, Barracks / Crypts and Shipyards.
VI. Gold rule
In all corridor maps, one of the rules to ensure victory is to earn as much gold as possible in order to obtain items, skills, potions, creatures or scrolls.
In other words, gold allows you to choose your general strategy and style of play.
One of the main revenues is the destruction of opposing units. For each unit killed by your hero, you are given a random gold bounty based on the creature's level.
Destroy high value creatures first, and try to improve your damage spells at the beginning of the game, to kill units when they have low life to get the reward.
An amount of 30 gold per minute is given to all players as a small help during the game. This amount may be increased using the castle abilities (see section VII.a).
Try to kill heroes or enemy towers because they give an important gold reward.
Gold rewards table by unit type :
Units | Reward per killed unit |
Footman / Grunt / Raider / Ghoul / Huntress | 34 - 50 ![]() |
Rifleman / Headhunter / Crypt Fiend / Archer | 34 - 50 ![]() |
Mortar Team / Demolisher / Meat Wagon / Glaive Thrower | 64 - 80 ![]() |
Priest / Witch Doctor / Banshee / Druid of the Talon | 54 - 70 ![]() |
Sorceress / Shaman / Necromancer / Druid of the Claw | 54 - 70 ![]() |
Knight / Tauren / Abomination / Mountain Giant | 94 - 110 ![]() |
Dragonhawk Rider / Kodo Beast / Batrider / Gargoyle / Hippogryph Rider / Faerie Dragon | 54 - 70 ![]() |
Spell Breaker / Spirit Walker / Obsidian Statue / Dryad | 74 - 90 ![]() |
Gryphon Rider / Wind Rider / Frost Wyrm / Chimaera | 94 - 110 ![]() |
Opposing hero | 210 - 300 ![]() |
Human Frigate / Orc Frigate / Undead Frigate / Nigh Elf Frigate | 35 - 45 ![]() |
Human Battleship / Orc Juggernaught / Undead Battleship / Night Elf Battleship | 66 - 78 ![]() |
Human Transport Ship / Orc Transport Ship / Undead Transport Ship / Night Elf Transport Ship | 35 - 45 ![]() |
See section VII.b, section VII.c and section VII.d to see gold rewards for specific buildings.
VII. Presentation of the fortress
a. Castle / Black Citadel
Destroying the enemy fortress remains the goal of all corridor maps, try at all costs to protect your own, and be careful when it is attacked.
In addition, it gives you the opportunity to purchase global abilities that can be very useful.
Some players sometimes choose to accumulate their gold in order to buy a particular ability.
Here is the list of global abilities you can purchase in your Castle / Dark Citadel :
Light skills | Dark skills |
Storm Hammers | Cannibalize |
Defend | Ghoul Frenzy |
Animal War | Web |
Long Rifles | Stone |
Flare | Freezing Breath |
Control Magic | Skeletal Longevity |
Backpack (Human) | Disease Cloud |
Fragmentation Shards | Skeletal Mastery |
Cloud | Burrow |
Ultravision | Destroyer Form |
Upgrade Moon Glaive | Exhume Corpses |
Improved Bows | Backpack (Undead) |
Marksmanship | Brute Strength |
Abolish Magic | Pulverize Damage Increase |
Corrosive Breath | Ensnare |
Vorpal Blades | Envenomed Spears |
Resistant Skin | Liquid Fire |
Hardened Skin | Spirit Walker Adept Training |
Mark of the Claw | Berserker Upgrade |
Mark of the Talon | Backpack (Orc) |
Backpack (Night Elf) | Burning Oil |
b. Barracks / Crypts
These buildings are one of the keys to success, protect them carefully. Indeed, they generate a significant number of creatures and can fill two of the 5 corridors on the map.
The production of creatures ceases when one of them is destroyed, leaving the corridor to the opponent, which allows him to break through much more easily and generally leads
him to victory.
You will earn a 500 reward when destroying one of them.
c. Shipyard
This building operates in the same way as the previous one, with the difference that it generates ships on the naval corridor.
Watch out for it as well, its loss will result in the total loss of your naval force, which will weaken your fortress.
You will earn a 500 reward when destroying one of them.
d. Defense towers
Each side has its own defence towers, but there is no difference in the number or characteristics of these towers.
Towers are relatively powerful for low level heroes, with a high number of hit points.
Do not attack them until your hero is at level 6, with his ultimate spell.
The only difference between the 2 sides on this point is their improvement, the towers on the light side can be improved by their armor, while those on the dark side can be improved by their damage on melee units.
By destroying them, a significant gain of gold is given to you according to their power :
Tower | Reward | Damage | Range | Hit points | Cost | Armor | Cooldown | Other |
Advanced Cold Tower
Advanced Flame Tower |
90 | 21-29 | 900 | 750 | 600 ![]() |
5 | 1s | |
Advanced Boulder Tower
Watch Tower |
125 | 26-55 | 950 | 1750 | 2000 ![]() |
7 | 2,5s | Splash Damage |
Arcane Tower
Death Tower |
250 | 43-82 | 950 | 2250 | 2500 ![]() |
5 | 1s | Magic Sentry |
Advanced Energy Tower
Dead Energy Tower |
250 | 38-77 | 950 | 2250 | 2500 ![]() |
5 | 1s | |
Cannon Tower
Nerubian Tower |
500 | 93-165 | 1050 | 2750 | 3000 ![]() |
5 | 2s | Magic Sentry, Splash Damage |
Ancient Protector | 500 | 35-175 | 1000 | 2750 | 3000 ![]() |
1 | 2s | Magic Sentry, Splash Damage, Can move, Regeneration x2 |
Forgotten One | 1000 | 58-90 | 1000 | 4000 | 4500 ![]() |
5 | 1s | Magic Sentry, Splash Damage, Spells : Firebolt / Charm / Spawn Tentacle, Regeneration x3 |
Note : All defense towers have the ability to attack air units.
e. Fountain
One of the most useful buildings in your fortress is undoubtedly the fountain, it allows you to quickly regenerate your hero's health and mana points.
Keep an eye on your hero's energy and don't hesitate to return to the fountain to restore yourself.
Its range allows you to take a quick look at black market items while regenerating so you don't waste any time.
Don't hesitate to use it when you own other creatures, such as mercenaries or peasants, they can also be healed by it.
f. Black market
The black market can be regarded as a "find-it-all" market. It allows you to buy multiple items that are very different from each other, with many different features.
More than 130 items can be sold in this shop, and they change very often. Check it regularly to see if an item can be useful to you.
This is the only shop where items change dynamically, the other shops only have permanent items.
Some of the items are so powerful that they can have a high price, some players keep their gold and hope to find one during the game.
g. Goblin merchant
The Goblin merchant allows any player to buy some utility potions, also called "loaded items". You can buy health or mana potions, invulnerability or invisibility, Ankh of Reincarnation, etc.
Item sold | Cost |
Healing Wards | 300 ![]() |
Anti-magic Potion | 100 ![]() |
Potion of Greater Invisibility | 200 ![]() |
Ankh of Reincarnation | 450 ![]() |
Scroll of Restoration | 375 ![]() |
Scroll of Animate Dead | 375 ![]() |
Mana Stone | 325 ![]() |
Health Stone | 325 ![]() |
Scroll of Town Portal | 300 ![]() |
Greater Replenishment Potion | 350 ![]() |
Potion of Invulnerability | 400 ![]() |
h. Goblin shipyard
The goblin shipyard, allows you to equip yourself with warships at a reasonable price. These can be useful if you want to develop a naval strategy, and also if you feel that your naval power is weakened.
Ships sold | Cost |
Human Transport Ship / Night Elf Transport Ship
Orc Transport Ship / Undead Transport Ship |
170 ![]() |
Human Frigate / Night Elf Frigate
Orc Frigate / Undead Frigate |
250 ![]() |
Human Battleship / Night Elf Battleship
Orc Juggernaught / Undead Battleship |
500 ![]() |
i. Mercenary camp
The mercenary camp is a simple way to hire good quality creatures. They are all of a level greater than or equal to 10 and have a long lifespan if used optimally.
They all have different spells and some of them can be effective in certain situations (Spell immunity of the dragon is really an asset against the opposing heroes).
Some players combine them with their healing or resurrection heroes, while others try to build a mass army.
Unit sold | Cost |
Austral Voidwalker | 750 ![]() |
Flesh Golem | 1700 ![]() |
Magnataur Destroyer | 750 ![]() |
Queen of Suffering | 750 ![]() |
Ancient Hydra | 750 ![]() |
Dragon Turtle | 750 ![]() |
Infernal Juggernaut | 1500 ![]() |
Faceless One Deathbringer | 750 ![]() |
Blue Dragon | 1500 ![]() |
Salamander Lord | 750 ![]() |
Deeplord Revenant | 750 ![]() |
Stonemaul Warchief | 1700 ![]() |
j. Blacksmith / Graveyard
These buildings are different, as you will have to advance over the runes to gain control of them.
Indeed, they allow any player to improve the weapons of all the creatures in his fortress.
As in the melee game, each skill has 3 levels of improvement that apply to all the creatures generated afterwards.
You will find, for example, the improvement of weapons, armor, and magicians.
k. Goblin laboratory
Like the mercenary camp, you can recruit units at the goblin laboratory.
Unlike the mercenary camp, the goblin laboratory is specialised in war machines, which are very effective against opposing defensive towers.
Many players adopt a mass recruitment technique for war machines in order to destroy as many turns as possible.
You can also buy goblin sappers or mines. These can be used to surround your fortress, for example, or to block an entrance to your fortress.
It has 5 charges at its disposal, compared to 3 in the melee game.
Unit sold | Cost |
Peasant | 75 ![]() |
Sky Barge | 500 ![]() |
Frantic Goblin Sapper | 275 ![]() |
Siege Engine | 255 ![]() |
Catapult | 270 ![]() |
Ballista | 275 ![]() |
Reveal | 50 ![]() |
Goblin Land Mine | 225 ![]() |
The exception is the peasant: it allows, as in the melee game, to build defence towers for your fortress (also unique towers such as the Forgotten One, the best of the game).
Their very useful ability to repair allied buildings can be a vital help when it comes to your barracks, or your fortress.
This action will cost you gold but can ensure your survival
Although towers are very expensive to build, a collective defense strategy between players (by transferring gold to a building player) can save you a lot of trouble.
In addition, gold is earned when one of your towers destroys an enemy unit. The only drawback is that it is a fragile unit and easy to kill.
Protect it, and put it in withdrawal the time to have a sufficient amount of gold.
You may have a look at section VII.d to get towers characteristics.
Tower | Cost |
Advanced Cold Tower
Advanced Flame Tower |
600 ![]() |
Advanced Boulder Tower
Watch Tower |
2000 ![]() |
Arcane Tower
Death Tower |
2500 ![]() |
Cannon Tower
Nerubian Tower |
3000 ![]() |
Ancient Protector | 3000 ![]() |
Forgotten One | 4500 ![]() |
l. Scroll merchant
The scroll merchant is the ideal building to upgrade your hero, with many scrolls.
You can buy tomes of strength, agility, or intelligence, but also tomes of experience, or tomes of power.
Item sold | Cost |
Superior Book of the Dead | 500 ![]() |
Scroll of Resurrection | 450 ![]() |
Tome of Knowledge | 375 ![]() |
Tome of Knowledge +2 | 750 ![]() |
Tome of Agility +2 | 300 ![]() |
Tome of Intelligence +2 | 300 ![]() |
Tome of Strength +2 | 300 ![]() |
Tome of Experience | 400 ![]() |
Tome of Greater Experience | 1000 ![]() |
Manual of Health | 200 ![]() |
Tome of Power | 3000 ![]() |
VIII. Attacks
The generation of creatures works on a principle of cycles, in order to allow each side to break through into the opposing camp.
Three phases of play are successively linked until the end of the game : the northern phase, the southern phase, and the neutral phase.
You can easily detect the transition from one phase to another as the weather changes :
So try to take advantage of the numerical advantage that each phase can give you; however, keep in mind that other corridors are at risk.
IX. Death of Hero
Each time a hero dies, a resurrection counter with the player's color and name is triggered.
It is located at the top of the screen and displays the number of seconds before your hero comes back to life.
More your hero has a high level, more the time of resurrection is long, penalizing more the camp of the player.
At the end of the game, it is critical to lose your hero, being generally powerful, his loss strongly penalizes your fortress,
and allows your opponents (generally powerful at this time) to take advantage of it.
When you lose your hero with a low level, a battleship is given to you in the middle of the map.
This allows you to gain some resources during the short time you spend without your hero.
When your hero has a high level, depending on your hero's level, one or more wisps at the bottom of the map are given to you.
You can thus choose creatures in order to support your allies during the long seconds of waiting for your resurrection.
Some of them can be more useful than others depending on the situation: mass creature, wizard, war machine...
Note : When your hero dies, all units or towers you have acquired during the battle are not killed,
they remain entirely under your control. On the other hand, when your hero is resurrected, the creatures (or ship) that you acquired thanks to the resurrection are destroyed.
This prevent some players to let them killed themselves to create a free army.
X. Creeps
The north entrance at the back of your fortress gives you access to the different corridors of neutral creeps that you can hunt.
The creatures at the edges of the map are relatively easy to fight, while those in the centre are becoming more and more difficult.
Despite the loss of time this can cause, and the fact that you can't defend your fortress when hunting, they can give you experience,
gold, and also defense towers (also increasingly powerful) that you can place strategically.
XI. Other possible strategies
The creatures to hunt (the ones in the middle) protect a teleport portal that allows access to the enemy creature zone.
Although there are many creatures to hunt, this passage allows you to attack the enemy fortress from a different angle, from behind, which can be quite surprising.
Another path of attack is the sea; indeed, you can buy battleships or a transport ship to land at the back of his fortress.
Note : However, in both cases, beware of the many defensive towers at the rear of the enemy fortress.
XII. Miscellaneous tips
a. Hidden items
The Igloo and Book of Summoning Pedestal, in the center of the map, have hidden items for your heroes if they are destroyed.
Igloo | Book of Summoning Pedestal |
25% Ring of Protection +5 | 17% Pendant of Mana |
25% Kelen's Dagger of Escape | 17% Ring of Protection +4 |
25% Claws of Attack +15 | 17% Staff of Silence |
25% Orb of Frost | 17% Khadgar's Gem of Health |
16% Orb of Darkness | |
16% Amulet of Spell Shield |
b. Defense passage
If you have a range hero, a small passage to defend can be used to have height on your enemies, it can be useful in case of persevered assault.
c. River
A small passage between the ocean and the river exists, so your ships are able to take position on the river and can defend weakened points,
this can be one of the ways to win a lot of gold.
Indeed, a naval force of 4 ships can be very effective against small creatures with area damage. However, beware of opposing heroes.
Note : Be careful, if a hero having the Amphibian ability dies in the water,
the Ankh of reincarnation will not trigger in this case and will not be used.
d. Map
Area | Content |
A | Merchants, Fountain and Dimensional Portal |
B | Goblin shipyard |
C | Shipyard |
D | Barracks / Crypts |
E | Castle / Dark Citadel |
F | Resurrection area |
G | Igloo and Book of Summoning Pedestal |
H | Teleport portal |
I | Creeps |
J | Heroes choice area |
K | Starting area |
L | Random hero |
M | Area where we choose creatures after having died |
N | Arcane Observatory |
O | Black Dragon Roost |
P | Secret caves |
e. Dropped items
Many items are dropped by units when they are killed, these can be loaded items, runes, or tomes. Be watchful and use them carefully.
f. Secret buildings
Two secret buildings, which can only be reached by air units in the north and south middle of the map, can be used:
Unit sold | Cost |
Green Dragon Whelp | 215 ![]() |
Green Drake | 365 ![]() |
Green Dragon | 1750 ![]() |
Nether Dragon Hatchling | 215 ![]() |
Nether Drake | 365 ![]() |
Nether Dragon | 1750 ![]() |
Black Dragon Whelp | 215 ![]() |
Black Drake | 365 ![]() |
Black Dragon | 1750 ![]() |
g. Spell hotkeys
Remember to use the shortcuts of your hero's spells, all the shortcuts have been judiciously chosen to be very easy to use.
h. Leavers
Since version 7.0, the "leavers", have their playing time written in their name at the end of the game.
They can now be easily identified for the development of the "BanList".
In order not to unbalance the game too much and to avoid a sudden end, the units of the players leaving the game are shared with the whole team.
i. Selling items
Don't forget that items you have at the beginning of the game or items which are dropped when killing units can be sold at the black market.
It can be used to buy another items, more powerful.
j. Secret caves
Two secret caves, allowing to move from one side to another, can be used to surprise the ennemy:
k. Managing camera
Several key words may be typed within the chat channel to move the camera and have a different view of the battlefield:
Key word | Effect |
Cam0 | Sets the distance of the camera to 500 |
Cam1 | Sets the distance of the camera to 1650 (normal view) |
Cam2 | Sets the distance of the camera to 2000 |
Cam3 | Sets the distance of the camera to 2500 |
Cam4 | Sets the distance of the camera to 3000 |
Cam5 | Sets the distance of the camera to 3500 |
Cam6 | Sets the distance of the camera to 4000 |
Cam+ | Increases the current distance by 100 |
Cam- | Decreases the current distance by 100 |
CamGB | Triggers a camera distance move by +1000 over 3s and -1000 |
CamR1 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 90° (normal view) |
CamR12 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 135° |
CamR2 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 180° |
CamR23 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 225° |
CamR3 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 270° |
CamR34 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 315° |
CamR4 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 360° |
CamR41 | Sets the rotation of the camera to 45° |
CamA1 | Sets the angle of attack of the camera to 350° |
CamA2 | Sets the angle of attack of the camera to 335° |
CamA3 | Sets the angle of attack of the camera to 305° (normal view) |